Live, digital or hybrid - with our DIGITAL LIVE STUDIO there are no limits to your event.
The future is flexible and digital. Our DIGITAL LIVE STUDIO offers you the opportunity to open up your event to a larger audience, to ensure that it runs smoothly in times of crisis and to capture it for all time.
Whether it's a conference, congress, symposium or meeting - our DIGITAL LIVE STUDIO has the latest in-house technology to digitise any event with ease.
The top features at a glance:
Animated & client-specific backgrounds
Presentations (e.g. PowerPoint, Keynote,..)
Live video
Integration of online speakers or meetings (e.g. Zoom, Webex,..)
Integration of Question & Answer (e.g.: Slido,..)
Preview monitors
Monitors for speakers and talk
Lower thirds (stream and image areas)
Stage lighting suitable for camera
Atmospheric lighting
Light show
Hall sound system
Wireless microphones
Sub direction for streaming
Dürfen wir Ihnen vorstellen

Would you like to start your trade fair with a brilliant opening show? Or would you prefer an unusual stage design? With the help of 3D visualisations, we can show you in advance exactly what your audience will experience. You can also create the perfect setting for your exhibition stand by installing floor elements, suspensions, audio, light, video or LED constructions.
Of course, we provide area-wide coverage with fast Wifi, wired internet, power connections up to 250A as well as supply and waste water and compressed air via floor ducts in all exhibition areas.

Marina Hörmanseder
Designerin, Unternehmerin, Mutter
Employer Branding
Die Marke Mitarbeiter*innen

Paul Ivic
From the soil to the kitchen to the soul.
Wie wir heute handeln, macht morgen den Unterschied

Clemens Doppler & Flo Rudig
Beachvolleyball Vize-WM & Doppel-EM, Host & Produzent
Goosebumps never lie.
Das Sportereignis als Erlebnis.

Bettina Ludwig
Besucherverhalten der Eventbranche:
Learning aus 300.000 Jahren Menschheitsgeschichte
Für mehr Infos & Anmeldung